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Off on a Tangent

Interesting piece of writing by Holmes … more good reasons not to hang out in Florida … interesting observation about where we're at right now.
I'm not sure there's any way to think about sex that won't be seen by some as salacious and others as wholesome, or as promiscuous or prudish, or as obsessive or avoidant. Or as normal or deviant.
I don't know that I've been thinking about sex more or less than I used to … but on the other hand, I have been thinking about human reproduction and partnering relationships pretty much in the last few years. There's a lot of people … in a lot of countries … who worry that native white women are not having enough babies. I just read an interesting article, for example, about how one of Putin's greatest problems is a steep decline in birth rates in his kingdom. And of course that decline gets talked about in other countries … a big concern in almost all, if not all, European countries … and in our own country, where the decline in birth rates inspires absurd histrionic rambles about 'replacement theory' … because it seems that somebody, somewhere, plots and schemes to keep white women at work in their careers instead of home having babies, creating a need for labor that can only be filled by immigrants.
…. a problem which in my tangential way of getting from one thought to another inevitably brings to mind my old wonderment about whether it is absolutely necessary to have an unendingly growing population to have a healthy economy? I mean, isn't there some way to seed and foster a healthy economy without requiring more and more people … of whatever color or national origin?
Of course, if we would just get poorer, much poorer, as a nation, the statistical likelihood that we would start cranking out more babies would be pretty high. So maybe that's one resolution to the dilemma …