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Independence Day: Chichicastenango!

September 15 is Independence Day in Guatemala, and it's a big deal … not just that day, I mean, but starting way back in August, when schools start electing their various Queens and most recognized scholars … and the marching bands start gathering at 6:30 in the morning to rat-ta-tat-tat on their drums and march around the campo and in the streets. It goes on and on, with increasinly frenetic celebrations as “Independence Week” draws near.

Until finally, the parades start … three difference parades in Chichi, not counting the “practice parades” of previous days and weeks.  The first, two days before the 15th, is for the little kids … Pre-primary, kindergarten kids.  This is actually my favorite one, because the little people are entirely cute.  Of course every parade needs royalty, so the Middle School Queens are put on a float and hauled through town in their pretty dresses and sashes and bags of candy that they periodically throw to the large crowds that come out to see the processions.  All muy alegre!

And, of course, each day's parade starts off with gunpowder and cordite, a big fireworks display that at the southern entrance town.  Then as the parade snakes its way through town, down past the gasolinera, down to the plaza, and around the market plaza from the church to the calvario chapel, then back up the street to turn left on the Calle Principal and under the Arco toward the futbol field down the hill from town … from time to time the parade will come to a halt, and more firecrackers and bombas – mortar-like pipe that hurl explosive wads hundreds of feet into the air – are set off for the commemoration of the greater glory of Guatemala!  

photo taken 13 Sept 2023 in Chichicastenango, at the start of the Independence Dan preprimary parade