So we took Tram #9 from our apartment in the Žižkov district to the stop closest to the library, in the Virgin Mary Plaza (Mariánské náměstí ), strolling down the very interesting 6 or 7 short blocks past down-scale, fringy tourist shops, and a beautiful old Dominican Church with a sign just inside the entrance that said “The Monks are Not Monkeys, No Photography During Services.”
When we arrived at the library we found a dauntingly long line out the door out of the library, which itself is one of those stately old buildings for which Prague is justifiably considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. The line was not moving very fast, making us jump to the conclusion that it must be a hell of an art exhibit, and trade comments about whether we were willing to wait in line that long to see between-the-war art. I went in a side door to see what the deal was, and quickly discovered that there was no problem … the line was not to the art exhibit at all, but to another exhibit, a tower of books that runs from the floor to the ceiling … which is maybe 20 feet high.
A stern-looking docent and a bullet-proof vest clad segurity agent stood to the side of the turnstile, ensuring that nobody crowded the tower, and individually or in very small family groups people came up to the tower, peered into it, usually holding a phone inside of it to take a photo, before unhurriedly looking up and down both the interior and exterior before ambling away with the expression of having just participated in a transformative experience. Bypassing the line, we turned away from the tower and headed for the second floor, spending a minute figuring out how to operate the ancient elevator before an amused middle-aged woman showed us the trick of pushing two rather than one button, and entered the exhibit.
We were two of less than a dozen people in the museum the whole time we were there, which was fine. It is a beautiful space, with several large galleries, wonderful lighting, and as already indicated, we greatly enjoyed it. Spent at least a couple of hours there. When we came down the funky old elevator, the line had dissipated and we got to see the book tower with only a few minutes wait. Nice enough to spend a few minutes there, and quickly understanding why it is called “The Infinity Tower” because as the photos linked here show.
Mirrors arranged inside make the tower seem endless in both directions.