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With Max Kintner

(loosely speaking in various ways, the diary of a stressed out liberal)

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I am not by nature or by training given to histrionics.  But since November 8, 2016, I find myself in kind of a bipolar horror show of being intensely fearful or depressed one day, then gleefully manic the next day or the next week in response to the latest news relating to earnest attempt by Right Wingnut Populists to destroy reality.  My shifting moods especially, but not exclusively, relate to governmental choices and elections.  And the acute worries, abject bereavements, and soaring hopes that plague and bless me from hour-to-hour and day-to-day are most often, but not exclusively, focused on the United States.

The deep valleys and short peaks of my emotions have been such that it occurred to me a few years ago that as a coping strategy I should make a journal of what sets me off and my personal reaction to it.  In my head, I further developed the idea that I should make an annotated line graph as a way to track my progress through the minefields of our political reality.   

Unfortunately, I never got around to starting my journal.  Until now…

Some of the posts made here will be long, because long is my default mode, and quicker and easier for me.  These will include explorations of themes and revelations relevant to items in the news, or how people perceive political events, that are on my mind.  Posts of this nature will often be co-listed in other sections of my site.

Others will be very short, with nothing more than a footnote syle comment about what happened on any given day to elicit horror, anger, despair, or glimmers of optimism of sort or another.

My hope is to post something several times a week, but I'm not ruling out several times a day.  And of course there may well be longer periods when for whatever excuse or reason I don't post anything.  

But we'll see how it goes.