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Following are a few of the photos I've taken that over the last 10 or so years.  In most cases I think these photos have some visual merit, although I occasionally will share an image that in my view speaks to a particular time or place that may be less meaningful to other people.  In all cases these are photos that I have remained fond of for some period of time.  Hopefully there's something here that will appeal to other folks.

A Recent shot (26 May 2023) from the fabulous Bread and Puppets Museum in Glover, Massachusetts.  These puppets – maybe a meter tall – were used in Easter Plays in numerous NYC churches in the mid- to late 1960s.  There was no caption telling exactly what characters they represented, but I would guess maybe Mary Mother of God and Mary Magdalene … whatever her relationship to Jesus was.  I don’t see how papier-mâché could get any better than this.

Baile de la Conquista.  A dance done across Guatemala.  A common interpretation of the meaning of the dance is that it is a reenactment of the defeat of Tecun Uman, the Guatemalan ruler of K'iche' Maya kingdom of Q'umarkaj, by the Spanish Conquistador Pedro de Alvarado.   This photo taken in December 2011 during the Feria Titular, or patron saint festival, in Chichicastenango, Guatemala, just a few miles south of Q'umarkaj.  

Evening Street Scene in Toledo, Spain.  It helps that my wife, Mary, is in the photo … the red jacket at right, with a loaf of bread sticking our of her bag

Looking down the stairs of the first lock of the Erie Canal in Waterford, NY, a few blocks from our house

Taken 13 September 2023 near the entrance to Chichicastenango, Guatemala.  This is the Independence Day Parade for pre-primary kids.  Cute, cute, cute in their costumes.  But this is Guatemala, so of course any parade, even one for four and five year-olds, starts with a massive display of fireworks … multiple strings of a thousand firecrackers, the bombas exploding high in the sky after having been shot out of mortar-like pipes, and clouds of gunpowder and cordite smoke billowing down the street ahead of the local fire truck blaring a siren that leads the parade through town.  

Notice:  This train is just edging out of the station on a test run.  If you have inadvertently boarded this train, that's fine, you're welcome to look around a bit … as long as you're not trying to hustle something.  If that's the case, please get off, because you're wasting your time